Oct 11, 2024

RUSKA, The DrugTech Research Community's Annual Autumn Meeting

We have have now couple of years our research community's DrugTech's annual meeting called Ruska (translation is something like autumn colors in nature) in Koli, The Northern Karelia's National Park. This year was a bit special and even the name of the event was called "Changing landscape in drug research". This most likely referred to the change of the leader, from Prof. Arto Urtti to Prof. Antti Poso, but we also enjoyed couple of presentation of new members. I also stepped down from the board member duties, while the new board stepped in. Unfortunately, I was able to stay only for the first day and evening, but I enjoyed every moment. Of course, I was also the only one representing the group, mainly because everyone else have been somewhere else in the conferences during this autumn. Adela visited the 14th course on the BBB in CNS Drug Development in Leiden on October 2 - 4 (link). And Santosh is going to Cape Town within couple weeks for the joint meeting of the 23rd International Congress of the International Society for Ethnopharmacology and the 2nd International Congress of the African Phytomedicine Scientific Society (ISE-APSS 2024) conference and for the follow-up research visit in Pretoria in South Africa. So our research has been widely presented in front of different audience this autumn.

Oct 4, 2024

A humble Thank You for Jane & Aatos Erkko Foundation!

I’m deeply grateful to the Jane and Aatos Erkko Foundation for awarding a significant grant for our research! At the same time, I’m super-thrilled to be able to continue our project of increasing the delivery of creatine to improve energy homeostasis in several brain diseases, which has also been the main focus in Adela's Ph.D. thesis project. We are also now able to leverage the creatine research  into the diseases of the heart muscle, and I'm perhaps able to hire a new Ph.D. candidate...

JAES News in Finnish.

UEF News in Finnish.

Sep 30, 2024

Ville in EuroQSAR in Barcelona

This fall seems to be time for traveling and presenting our results and research all over the world. Last week, Ville participated, along with many other colleagues from the School of Pharmacy, to the 24th EuroQSAR Symposium,  entitled "Synergizing AI and Multiscale Modeling for Drug Discovery", in Barcelona. According to the feedback, it was successful conference, new contacts, novel ideas and motivating speakers. What else you can wish for?!? 😎