Oct 27, 2023

Black autumn

Despite that I waited this autumn to be very successful and joyful, it turned out to be personally something else. Therefore, I haven't been posting actively lately. Nevertheless, we have gained some excellent results and excellent news, like this one: our OATP1C1 paper was finally accepted to Journal of Medicinal Chemistry! Congratulation for Arun and Hamed for your last and first papers, respectively in your theses, and especially to Arun, the corresponding author (I'm obviously a bad photographer, since Arun is cut out of the photo..., sorry)! And thank you for all the co-authors, especially Janne, Adela and Aaro for the quick in vivo pilot study. I'm so proud of you and so happy how well you all have carried out the research despite of my absence.

 I will post more about the paper and the research later, once it will be out!