Dec 19, 2023

Happy Holidays

Soon the semester seems to be over and it will be the time to relax. Yearly developmental discussion are pretty much done now, and overall, it has been a really good year for our research group. So thank you all for your great contribution! It is always wonderful to realize how great people you are surrounded by, especially when you struggling yourself. For example, last Saturday, Sema and Adela organized a nice Holiday Dinner for our group members. We had such a great time, although not everyone could join us. And at the end we were also predicting the future from the floating candles by Czechia style. 😀

Anyway, Happy Holidays for everyone and all the best for the year 2024!

Dec 8, 2023

Santosh visited Uppsala

Our Senior Scientist Santosh visited Uppsala at the end of November and participated in New Horizons in Drug Delivery and Formulations 2023 conference ( The OATP-poster was also presented for the third time during this semester (pretty effective!) and attracted once again a lot of attention. 😁 Santosh also visited our collaborator at the Uppsala University, Irena Loryan, and obviously they had a good time too. I wish I could have attended too, but perhaps next time, or maybe I will meet some of the colleaques already in January in Copenhagen in SBBN meeting again (the same that we organized in Kuopio last January)! Looking forward to it!

Dec 2, 2023

Associate Professor

Yesterday, it finally was my first day as an Associate Professor. Long journey so far, and I'll bet that this is just a start. So it took almost 2 years from the official decision to start my Tenure Track until it really start. Well, I have no hurries at the moment, but sometimes it has felt a bit awkward to explain why I'm not preceding in my career. Well, now someone is really retiring and if everything goes well I will fill his Full Professorship within 3-4 years. We'll see what happens. Anyway, we celebrated a bit at work yesterday, together with the J. Med. Chem. paper. The press release has really expanded the interests towards the topic! But at the same time, we spent also Vej's and Tonnaow's farewell, since they are leaving Kuopio today. I'm really thankful for the hard work you did with the very challenging projects in our group, and I hope our roads will cross somehow and somewhere in the future!