Jun 18, 2024

Pharmacy Olympics 2024

The 9th Pharmacy Olympic Games was held last week. Even though it was raining, it was a great event, and we had so much fun planning the theme for the teams and then competing against each other. With a good spirit of course! I guess the figures will tell the rest... 😎

Jun 12, 2024

Chemical Solutions for Biological Challenges 2024 in Turku

Chemical Solutions for Biological Challenges symposium (link) was held 10-12.6.2024 this year in Turku. It was organized together with FinPharmaNet, so we were able to participate in 2 events at the same time. Unfortunately, due to the other duties, not everyone were able to join from our team, but we were nicely presented with 3 posters and 1 funny chairwoman (I need to keep up with the tradition! 😎). So almost 3 full days of great presentations and networking at national level, but also couple of new international contacts! Well done TTDD-team!

Jun 1, 2024

Thank you Amal & Judith & Sara!

The semester starts soon to be over. Amal left this week and Judith and Sara will follow her at the end of June. Like said before, it is always sad to see the visiting students go, but also this year, it is so satisfying to seen them grow and learn. 😎 So thank you Amal, Judith and Sara for you hard work in your projects and helping also in other projects and other team-mates whenever needed. And all the best for all of you for the future! I've got a feeling that your results will be published at least in 2 different papers within 1 year from now on!- But let's post those separate later on...