Sep 30, 2024

Ville in EuroQSAR in Barcelona

This fall seems to be time for traveling and presenting our results and research all over the world. Last week, Ville participated, along with many other colleagues from the School of Pharmacy, to the 24th EuroQSAR Symposium,  entitled "Synergizing AI and Multiscale Modeling for Drug Discovery", in Barcelona. According to the feedback, it was successful conference, new contacts, novel ideas and motivating speakers. What else you can wish for?!? 😎

Sep 25, 2024

First Aid Skills

I guess it is pointless to say in such a risky occupation as a chemist is, that one needs to have an excellent first aid skills, and those needs to be updated regularly. Roughly 1 year ago, I faced the situation where I needed to give cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for the first time in my life (outside the office) to alive person. And when it is someone close to you, things may get even harder in your head. Luckily, I renewed my first aid training a year before, so I knew exactly what I was doing, even though a life could not been saved. So just as a reminder, update your skills and knowledge, be proactive, like Andy did this week! It may save someone's life or someone other may save yours!

Sep 6, 2024


Since Andy, Hamed, and Janne have really enjoyed their EFMC conference and the satellite YMCS symposia this week in Rome, I will share couple of pictures of how the science in real world is discussed and spread. 😎 I'm proud of you guys! I wish I could have been there with you, but perhaps, next time then!

Sep 2, 2024


Janne, Landry, and Hamed have finally arrived to Rome for EFMC congress and started strong. Landry already had a flash poster presentation, and Janne's poster is up there too. Hamed, I hope yours is up there too?!? 😎 And Janne will have his oral presentation later on this week in the EFMC-YMCS satellite symposium. Pretty hot down there, if I understood correctly, 30+ degrees.