Jun 5, 2020

Cafe Smart Online

This week I hade the UEF Cafe Smart, which was held due to the time being online. Anne Heikkinen interviewed me for the cancer drug development and Prof. Seppo Ylä-Herttuala about the COVID-19 vaccination development. It was actually really nice to hear Seppo's approach fully explained, since I haven't had time to focus on what is happening in the vaccination field. Although it is not coming to be in our use fast, Seppo estimated earliest at the end of the next year, however, it would guarantee the Finnish people will get one, if other attempts would be sold out from the bigger suppliers. 

So my part with cancer drug development was totally shadowed by Seppo, and that's what I expected. But it was a good reminder (I hope) that despite all the funding that has been offered to develop COVID-19 drugs and vaccinations, not all of us are going to leave all the hard work that we have done so far just to start developing cures for COVID-19. So it's important for everyone to keep in mind that the research in other areas still continues and it is important to keep on supporting also other than COVID-19 related research. 

Anyway, the podcast can be found in the following link, but as said earlier it is in Finnish. 

Summer has finally arrived here, and I've got a wonderful Mother's Day gift earlier in May, a new working bench. I wonder can you actually reduce it in taxation as it is needed for efficient and creative distance work! :)

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