Aug 27, 2021

NordicPOP meets FinPharmaNet

This week we had the virtual workshop NordicPOP "New Frontiers in Prodrug and Bioconjugate Development & Continuous Processing" combined with 15th Annual FinPharmaNet Meeting (for the Finnish Phamaceutical Ph.D. students). We had such a honor to have such a great speakers with astonishing presentations, so thank you all for your contribution! At the peak moments there was nearly 150 attendees, so well done for such a specific topics and among the small society that this event was advertised.

At the end it also was hard work from the organizing committee, so than you also colleaqeus for putting this together! It was great to hear from the speakers' side that it is amazing that we can offer this kind of events and expert lectures for our Ph.D. student, despite the current pandemic situation. Of course, the original plan was to have a real-life event, but we needed to decide very early how to continue with organizing everything, and I think it was very wise decision in March to stay online one more time. 
So now I'm full of energy and inspired from other scientists' work to continue my own work! 😀

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