Sep 24, 2021

Welcome Prof. Peter Wipf!

We have been honored to receive our second visiting professor, Professor Peter Wipf from the University of Pittsburgh (USA) to the School of Pharmacy (UEF) as a part of ProFi6 funding (Academy of Finland's funding for Finnish universities to support them in strengthening their research profiles). So Peter's aim here is to strengthen our medicinal chemistry excellence to the next level, so not an easy task, I would say, but I'm sure we all are ready to work hard together! Today we had a nice get-together meeting and introduction of the medicinal chemistry that is already done in the house and Peter also introduced what he can offer to us. So thank you all for participating and welcome Peter to Kuopio!

Together with Peter we will also recruit a new junior group leader, who Peter will guide until the top, I guess! 😀 Someone can ask now, did I apply? Unfortunately, not! I probably haven't mentioned yet, but I was selected as a corresponding candidate for strengthening the proteomic expertise in the School of Pharmacy with ProFi6 funding and I will start with that position next month. Basically, nothing changes in my own work as a group leader, I will just focus more on the proteomics with Prof. Tetsuya Terasaki (Japan), who by the way, has already been here almost one year! And of course, I will make sure the the expertise will stay in the house after Tetsuya's return. But despite of that and all the great things that we have already achieved with Tetsuya, I will be heavily involved with synthesis of novel (pro)drugs and be a part of our medicinal chemistry expertise! 💗

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Congratulations Juulia!