Dec 29, 2021

Happy New Year!

Time before Christmas is always hectic, at least to me. I try to get all the planned project finished, but let's face the truth, that never happens! 😆 Well, I'll try to do my best of course, and there is so many administrative things that is needed to be done before the end of the year; accepting everyone's time management, bills are need to be paid, developmental discussion, you name it, so that takes a lot of time. And most importantly, I like to have these things to be done and have a real break to my brain too between the Christmas and New Years. So I'm sorry that I didn't even have time to wish you a Merry Christmas, but at least I have chance to wish you a Happy New Year 2022! 

Even though it may seem frustrating at the moment with the pandemic, I'm sure we will win this battle at the end. Currently, I'm just super-happy that soon we will get the vaccination also for under 12-years old, so I don't have to be afraid all the time anymore. And according to the latest news, our university will start the year with working and teaching distantly. Let's see where we go from here... I was suppose to order all the chemicals for my lab-course in March, immediately after new years.

It may not be obvious, but this is an old mill and next to it there is a widely running water. Let our becoming scientific year be as surprising as this figure shows!

Dec 17, 2021

This week I will re-post my previous post in Linked-In under School of Pharmacy (UEF), only because this is so great:

Christmas is around the corner and therefore the Christmas elves of the School of Pharmacy have tried to re-utilize everything that is not used in the laboratories anymore, in the name of sustainable development. For example, many things, such as old liquid chromatography columns, can be used in Christmas decoration and cheer up your workmates in the coffee room! What kind of Christmas decoration you would design in your coffee room taken into account sustainable development?


Dec 10, 2021

Farewells for Soumeya, Adela and Mira

The autumn semester is slowly coming to its end and that means that some projects are also ending and people are moving forward. Mira is successfully finishing her laboratory work part of her M.Sc. thesis with metformin analogues, after which she will continue with writing of the thesis. Also Soumeya and Adela are finishing their ERASMUS-projects of inflammation and oxidative stress biomarker studies and placental proteomics, respectively. It is always a bit sad to say goodbyes, but we are very grateful for your input in our group, and it has been great to see your growth and learning during the projects. We are very proud of you and wish you all the best in the future. You never know where will we meet next time! 😀
This time of the year is also a good chance for everybody to look back and reflect it all for the future. Therefore, we are having the developmental discussions in my team. So far, I can say that despite all the continuing difficulties with the pandemic, it was a pretty dam good year for us, again! So thank yous also for the whole team! Let's keep on progressing and making great science also during the next year!