Dec 10, 2021

Farewells for Soumeya, Adela and Mira

The autumn semester is slowly coming to its end and that means that some projects are also ending and people are moving forward. Mira is successfully finishing her laboratory work part of her M.Sc. thesis with metformin analogues, after which she will continue with writing of the thesis. Also Soumeya and Adela are finishing their ERASMUS-projects of inflammation and oxidative stress biomarker studies and placental proteomics, respectively. It is always a bit sad to say goodbyes, but we are very grateful for your input in our group, and it has been great to see your growth and learning during the projects. We are very proud of you and wish you all the best in the future. You never know where will we meet next time! 😀
This time of the year is also a good chance for everybody to look back and reflect it all for the future. Therefore, we are having the developmental discussions in my team. So far, I can say that despite all the continuing difficulties with the pandemic, it was a pretty dam good year for us, again! So thank yous also for the whole team! Let's keep on progressing and making great science also during the next year!


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