Feb 11, 2022

3 Vaccination and distant working

Last week I finally received the third dose of corona-vaccination, this time Moderna, while the other ones were Pfizer. As a result I was pretty sick for 2 days. Immunity developed, I hope! 😂 Now it feels that I'm basically waiting to hit the omicron, since it is pretty weird that everyone else around me is having it except, me and my family. Or alternatively, we already had, we just didn't notice! 

We also had the distant working recommendation until mid of this week at the UEF, and it seems that we are slowly getting back to normal. Of course there is huge number still in Finland and Kuopio, but I hope we are on the top of it now! Nevertheless, students have continued working at the university and we are currently proceeding like a pharmaceutical factory! A lot of new compounds in the pipeline, many under the evaluation, so keep your fingers crossed to hear good new soon! 😄 So even though it may seem a desperate at the moment (see the photo), the spring is coming! 

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