Jul 15, 2022

We are getting a researcher from Ukraine!

During these difficult times in Europe, one may find him/herself thinking how can we help the people who are suffering the most at the moment. Donating money and goods for the charity is of course an easy way and gives you extremely good feeling, when you know that there are professionals who can deliver food and medicines to the places where their are needed to the most. But thinking already the next phase, the reconstruction when the peace has been reached, is there something that we can already support in advance. Luckily, Academy of Finland decided to open a new call that Finnish researchers can apply to invite Ukrainian researchers to continue their work here at Finland. I immediately knew that this is something I definitely want to do, since some day those researchers are needed for the reconstruction phase, to bring everything back, also science. All I needed was a candidate and a good plan and for this one, a good collaborator. And then everything turned up-side-down, I wasn't even the applicant, but my dear fellow Prof. Jaana Rysä from the Toxicology discipline from our School of Pharmacy was the main applicant, and I was the collaborator, and we did it, wrote a great application for an applicant who contacted us and Jaana received the funding! So we can host one researcher from Ukraine as soon as the formalities are handled. Well done Jaana and congratulations for both of you! 😀

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