Aug 21, 2022

NCCR Transcure Final Conference

I had an honor to visit NCCR Transcure Final Conference as an invited speaker last week. This was my first scientific trip outside Finland after COVID-19, and I must admit, I was pretty nervous about travelling. Luckily, Janne, my Ph.D. student accompanied me and we had a wonderful scientific trip together. It was such a great feeling to hear what others have been doing with transporters, discuss with people about the science and life overall and of course enjoy Bern, which I hadn't visited before. And although I always feel that transporters are a bit small field of science, this conference once again prove me wrong, it is a very broad field, perhaps not enough people and resources yet to do everything that is needed to be done. But after this conference, I felt, like always, full of enthusiasm to continue with my part. 😍

I'm also very proud of Janne's poster presentation, after all this was his first live science meeting during his Ph.D. studies and I'm super-proud that he was the other one of 2 students, who received the prestigious travel grant. 

If  you are more interested of the content of this conference and the transporter society in Switzerland, please visit these websites (link)

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