Sep 10, 2023

New students in house

It has been a busy start for the semester, but at the same time also a very good start for the semester. This week we re-submitted 2 manuscript revision, and a third revision request was received... well, let's hope that the first 2 ones will satisfy the editors and the reviewers and we will work hard for the 3. one next. Also, many of our projects has taken big leaps forward! Perhaps, something about those later during this semester!

This year, there has been an unusual low number of ERASMUS students coming to our School of Pharmacy, so there hasn't been a queue behind my office, like last year! 😂 Which is nice, since we have so many things to take care of at the moment, although we do like to have the students around as helping hands and to teach us something new about life we didn't know. 😁 Anyway, we cannot complain, since we will have students anyway. Two from Thailand, Vej and Tonnaow are already here, and this week Sara from Italy joined us. And also our local students, Mikko and Ville have started their M.Sc. theses. None of these students are in the photos, as I have been too busy to take ones, but I'll promise to take them later, at the same time, when I report some progress of these projects, I hope! 😄

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