Jun 3, 2022

Exellent Financial Secretary Has a Key Role

I have always said that I couldn't carry out my research without an excellent financial secretary that I have been eligible to have. There are several projects with different sum, different ending times, and different rules, going on all the time, so no wonder that mistakes happens. Afterall, we all are only humans. Recently, I was informed that I may loose already granted funding just because I haven't started to use it within given time. First thoughts were that this must be a mistake, perhaps a wrong person, but no, it was me and my project. A mixture of many things in the past, when I had replacing financial secretary for one academic semester. Miscommunication, human error, and the ball was rolling. Luckily, the Sigrid Juselius Foundation had understanding to the situation and the error can be fixed in the future. 
So I'm very grateful to this prestigious foundation for the precious research funds and backing up the researcher who are lost in the financial jungle! I'm also thankful for our university's financial department for taken this example seriously and as a platform to improve their performance and support to us, the scientist, in the future. So at the end, lucky ending, but couple of not-so-well slept nights by several people... Thus, it is time to enjoy the upcoming weekend and summer! Also other great things happened during the week, e.g., amazing feed-back x 3 from our review, and thank you flowers from the leaving ERASMUS students. Perhaps, they will come some day back to Kuopio. The students always thank us for having encouraging atmosphere to make the mistakes and learn from them. And that's my personal philosophy, don't be afraid to fail, be afraid not to try! I guess it was first said by Michael Jordan.

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