Jun 17, 2022

Interactive week

June is typically good time to organize all kind of events in Finland and therefore it is a popular month also to have scientific conferences. This week there was 3 overlapping events, so I had to choose those in which I was invited to have a presentation or be part of the organizing team. 😀 In the beginning of this week we took a bus from Kuopio (6.00 am) and drove to Sastamala to hotel Ellivuori, where the  16th Annual FinPharmaNet meeting was held. I'm must say that it was a very nice meeting and gave us a lot of ideas for the next 17th Annual FinPharmaNet meeting, which will be in turn somewhere in Kuopio, organized by us! Among the scientific presentations, there was enough time for discussion and also for un-official activities, like having a walking tour to historical places in Ellivuori. We also ended up having a mini-golf tournament after 9.00 pm! 😂 And of course UEF bet University of Helsinki, and Turku! 

The rest of this week we had a Chemical Sciences in Biological Challenges (click link for more information) conference here in Kuopio. Three days of very interesting presentations in chemistry, biology and everything between. However, I must admit that after sitting for 5 full days, I look forward on how these conference practices develop, since so heavy sitting cannot be our future. Treadmill to the auditoriums, perhaps? 😀

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Congratulations Juulia!